The Bookworm’s BookTag!

Heyhey, BookNerds!! I was tagged in this super fun book tag by both Kerri @ KerriMcBooknerd and Danni @ ForBooksSake! Be sure to check out both of their blogs, I promise you they both have such fantastic posts and review, not to mention they are amazing and friendly bloggers! 💜✌🥰

The Rules:

  1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you
  2. Include the tag graphic in your post
  3. Answer the 10 questions the blogger asked
  4. Nominate 5-10 bloggers
  5. Ask you nominees 10 book related questions
  6. Don’t feel bound to these rules
  7. Have fun!

Kerri’s Questions:

Seeming as we’re already halfway through 2021, what is a 2022 release you can’t wait to read?

One For All, by Lillie Lainoff! A three musketeers genderbent retelling with a chronically ill mc? Yes please! I very rarely am able to find disabled/chronically ill rep in fantasy or other genres beyond general lit/contemporary books, so when I saw about this gorgeous book I just had to add it to my tbr!

What is your favorite bookish merch?

Anything and everything! I love bookish mugs, bookmarks, bookish jewellery, bookish art… I am very easily pleased when it comes to bookish merch! A friend of mine made me a bookish christmas bauble that I absolutely loved. If it is book related then I am certain I will love it!

What is your favorite and least favorite trope?

I actually posted a disussion post on tropes recently with my favourite and least favourite tropes! You can find it here: Let’s Talk About … Tropes! A top tier trope for me is Enemies To Lovers ( The Angst!). A Least favourite would be Love Triangles (always the same – and predictable)!

Do you have a character that you really relate to/reminds you of yourself?

Hmm, I always find this kind of question difficult because I always see more little pieces of me within multiple characters more than having one character I strongly connect with – so I can’t really think of one!

What has been your favorite book so far in 2021?

^^ These four books have all been top reads of mine this year, I can’t really pick just one! Though The Jasmine Throne, by Tasha Suri may just be at the top of that list, but it is extremely close!

What is your favorite book from childhood?

I read a lot as a kid and loved so many books that I adored and re-read over and over again. however, for this tag I’m choosing A Series Of Unfortunate Events, by Lemony Snicket as my answer because I vividly remember my parents buying me the series as a gift and me binge-reading the whole series in one weekend!

If you could have any animal companion from any book, which would you pick?

Ooh right now I’d probablly pick Mephi from The Bone Shard Daughter (The Drowning Empire #1) , by Andrea Stewart or the Guillame from Call Of The Bone Ships (The Tide Child #2), by RJ Barker! Mephi is an awesome seacat type creature who is just adorable and magical, while the Guillame is hilariously sarcastic and would be amusing company.

Who are your top three authors?

My top 3 authors right now would be Tasha Suri, EG Radcliff, and RJ Barker. – this changes reguarly though depnding on my recent reads 😂😅.

What is your favorite book in a genre you don’t usually read?

Hmm, I primarily read fantasy so for this question I’ll put my favourite classic Novel of manners/romance – Pride And Prejudice, by Jane Austen.

Which do you prefer: first, second, or third person narration?

I prefer Third Person narration, I find it easier to connect with than the others. I almost never read second person, and first person I do read but it has to be really good to keep my attention (though recently my first person reads have been fantastic!)

Danni’s Questions

What is your biggest bookish pet peeve?

Anything that will ruin the book! Such as folding it to read (completely destroying the spine!) etc… I also dislike dog-earing pages (unless it is an old/second hand book then I feel it adds character to a book that is already well read and handled)! Oh or people talking to me while I am reading – this really irritates me and makes me irrationally angry.

Do you read non-fiction? If yes, what types?

I occassionally read non-fiction but usually it is psychology based, since it helps with my undergrad course! Plus, I find the social sciences fascinating – so a good psychological non-fiction is right up my street.

What is your GoodReads goal for the year? And how are you getting on with it?

My original challenge was 50 books, but I hit that a little while ago so I upped it to 75 and am making decent progress! You can check out my progress here: GoodReads Reading Challenge

Who are you favourite indie authors?

EG Radcliff! I absolutely adored her Coming of Aed Trilogy! Review for Book 1: Book Review: The Hidden King (The Coming Of Aed #1), by E.G Radcliff. All three boooks are magical and emotional.

Do you prefer paperback, hardback, ebook, or audiobook?

I prefer paperbacks the most. However, I read a lot of ebooks due to eARC’s (and they’re typically cheaper), and I do like a good audiobook which is perfect when I’m busy or unwell! Hardbacks are pretty, and I like them too, but I only really get them as gifts.

What has been your favourite book of 2021 so far?

^^ Already answered above in Kerri’s Questions!

Which book are you most excited to read in the remainder of 2021?

The Bone Ship’s Wake, by RJ Barker, and The Liar’s Knot, by MA Carrick! The Bone Ship’s Trilogy is ending so I’m super excited to read the conclusion, and I loved The Mask Of Mirrors (Rook And Rose #1), by M. A. Carrick so I’m looking forward to it’s sequel!

What is your go to genre of choice?

Fantasy!! I’m a fantasy lover through and through. High fantasy, epic fantasy, light fantasy, dark fantasy, I love them all!

Are there any genres that you just can’t stand reading?

There aren’t many genre’s I’ll flat out refuse to read, but my least read is probably pure romance, simply because I’m more inclined to read romance in fantasy settings. However, I did love the few romances I have picked up in the past, especially The Flatshare, by Beth O’Leary.

If you could interview one author (dead or alive), who would it be? and why?

SO MANY! It’s hard to choose just one! But any of the authors from my top reads this year would likely be my answer.

My Questions!

  1. Do you have a favourite book quote? If so, what is it?
  2. Who is your favourite book character from your reads this year?
  3. If you could only recommend one book to someone, which book would it be?
  4. You have found yourself in trouble but can have the help of one book character, who would you partner up with and why?
  5. Who are your top three favourite book villains?
  6. Do you prefer single or multiple POV books?
  7. What is your favourite and least favourite genre?
  8. Do you own an special edition books? If so, which ones?
  9. Which authors are auto-reads for you?
  10. What is your favourite mythical/magical creature?


This was such a fun tag to do! What did you think?

Happy Reading, BookNerds! 💜✌📚


  1. Thanks for tagging me! I read through your answers and agreed with so many of them!! Yes to Mephi! Yes to hating love triangles! Yes to Pride and Prejudice! Lol…I just kept saying me too! I am excited to do the tag.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for the tag!

    I’ve been dying to read The Liar’s Knot since I finished the first book last year. It’s been such a long wait it’s hard to believe publication is coming in just a few months. Mephi and Guillame have to be two of the best animal companions out there. It’s so hard to not love them, and I’m so sad The Tide Child series is concluding. I’m going to miss Guillame so much!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome! Ahhh same, I’m really looking forward to Liar’s Knot!! Hehe ikr, not long now! They really are great animal companions for sure, glad you agree! I know, it so sad that it’s ending, I’m halfway through my eARC of book 3 now and I don’t want it to end! 💜

      Liked by 1 person

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