Behind The Blogger Tag (#BookTag)

Hi BookNerds! So I was tagged by Sandee @ sandeeandherbooks for this booktag! Make sure you check out their blog because it is super super awesome and Sandee is incredibly sweet and kind! This booktag seems like a lot of fun so let’s dive into the person behind my blog!


β†’ Thank the person who nominated you
β†’ Answer all the questions down below
β†’ Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
β†’ Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag

Why did you start blogging? & Why have you kept blogging?

Well, I started blogging because it was a way for me to turn my love of reading into something productive! I had to take a gap year before I start university so I decided that I would start a blog during this time in order to develop some new skills, ‘meet’ new people and have fun with a passion of mine. I love reading and writing about books, so this was the perfect platform for me. I have continued to blog because I love it! I love the community, I have become part of some amazing groups and projects and discovered new books that I never would have known about otherwise. I love everything about the blogging community and how it has broadened my views, so I have continued to blog and will keep doing so!

What is your favourite type of blog post to write?

Probably my reviews! I love just rambling about the books I have read because it is a way for me to get all the thoughts out of my head (and a way for me to share them!) I also love writing reviews because it helps other people find new books that they may not have known about before!

What are your top three favourite blog posts you wrote?

Currently my top three favourite posts are:

What are some of your favourite things to do to relax?

Read of course! But I also love to draw, sew, DIY arts and crafts, listen to music, watch Netflix/anime or play video games to relax!

What are three of your favourite things?

Othe than my books I would have to say:

  • My dogs, they are just too cute!
  • My Fandoms, I would be lost without them!
  • My Family and Friends!

What are your proudest blogging moments?

Hmm, recently reaching 300 blog followers and 1000 twitter followers is one of my proudest moments as I never thought I would ever get that many, and they are all so lovely too! Other than that I’m proud of the connections I have made, I have joined some fantastic blogging groups and met some wonderful people who have helped me become a better blogger because they are just so supportive!

What are your hobbies outside of blogging?

Drawing, arts and crafts, music, netflix, anime, gaming!

Describe your personality in three words

Hmm, I always struggle with these kinds of questions! But I think I’m perceived as: Introverted, Loyal And Nerdy!

What are your top three pet peeves?

Lying, People talking to me while I’m reading (I love you but please stop), and People talking over me.

What’s something your followers don’t know about you?

Hmmm, I’m always singing, when I’m busy blogging or doing a hobby of mine I sing under my breath or out loud! I think it helps me focus but who knows? You also may not know that I have siblings (all younger than me), none of which are readers like me! Though I am slowly turning my youngest one into a reader, or at least trying to!


These awesome people, check out their blogs because they are fantastic!! No obligation to do the tag though πŸ™‚


  1. Loved your post Kitkat and thank you so much for tagging me, I’ll try to get to this one in the coming weeks! I can’t wait to answer your questions! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh this is great KB! Loved reading your answers and getting to know a little bit more about you. I’m forever singing and humming to myself too :)))))

    Liked by 1 person

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